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Health and everyday support

Kuortane - Terveys ja Arjen tuki ENG


When a person’s life and safety are at risk, there is an emergency.

In a case of an emergency, call 112 emergency services. The emergency services will advise you on the situation and send assistance to the scene if there is a need for it.

When calling the emergency services, tell

– your own name

– address and city

– what is wrong, why do you need quick help.

Do not hang up your phone until you get permission!

Coronavirus - Covid19

More information about coronavirus can be found on InfoFinland’s website.

Take the corona vaccine when it is your turn


First aid

First aid, that is, urgent treatment is required:

  • when there has been an accident
  • when you have fallen ill suddenly and need quick treatment on the same day

In a case of an emergency, call 112 or go straight to the emergency room.

In the emergency room, only sudden cases of serious illness, where treatment should be started immediately, are treated.

Health centre - emergency room

If you get sick, you can get help from the nearest health centre. An appointment should always be booked in advance at the health centre.

The nearest health center is Kuortane health center, Keskustie 55, 63100 Kuortane

You can contact them:  06 2525 7612

Central hospital

The hospital is for bigger examinations and surgeries.

You usually go to the hospital when referred by a health centre doctor. Births also take place in the central hospital.

Nearest central hospital The Hospital District of South Ostrobothnia, Hanneksenrinne 7, 60220 Seinäjoki.

Laboratory and imaging (X-ray) examinations

Your doctor may prescribe you various examinations such as laboratory tests and imaging (for example, X-ray). For these, you must make a booking by calling a health centre or hospital.

You will also receive instructions on what you need to do before the examination or test. Sometimes, for example, it may be important not to eat anything in the morning before a blood test.

If you receive written instructions, keep them carefully and follow them.

Laboratory tests can include:

  • a blood sample
  • a urine sample

X-rays, magnetic resonance scans and ultrasound scans are referred to as imaging examinations.

Use of an interpreter

If you need an interpreter, ask for it when booking an appointment. The health centre arranges an interpreter and it won’t cost you anything.

You can also ask if there is a doctor or nurse at the health centre who speaks your language.

Dental care

If you have a municipality of residence in Finland, you are entitled to use public dental care services.  

Even if you have no pain or other symptoms, it is important to take regular dental check-ups. Dental illnesses are easier to treat if discovered before any symptoms occur. Oral and dental health affect your overall health. 

In case of an emergency, you can use municipal services even if you do not have a municipality of residence in Finland or a residence permit for Finland. The costs may be charged to you afterwards. 

In Finland, health services are provided in Finnish and Swedish. You can usually use English, too. When you make an appointment with a dentist, ask if you can use an interpreter if you do not speak these languages. 

When you have made an appointment with a dentist, it is important that you arrive at the dentist on time. If you have an appointment but cannot make it, it is very important that you cancel it in good time, normally on the previous day. If you cannot make your appointment and you have not cancelled it, you will have to pay a fee. 

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: Oral Health 

 Finnish | Swedish | English | Russian | Somali | Arabic

Neuvola (maternity and child health clinics)

Health services for the expectant mother and children are called Neuvola services in Finland. Maternity and child health clinic services are free of charge. You should contact the maternity and child health clinic services as soon as you find out that you are pregnant. 


Ante-natal care includes regular, periodic check-ups by a health nurse and a doctor. 

Both parents are always welcome at appointments, but in particular it is recommended that both parents will attend the extensive health check appointment. 

The purpose of the extensive health check is to: 

  • identify in cooperation with parents the needs and resources of family support 
  • allocate support to those who need it 
  • form an understanding about the general health and well-being of the family. 

Read more: Pregnancy


The Child Health Clinic’s mission is to monitor and promote healthy growth and development of under school aged children, and their families. It is also responsible for supporting parenting and relationships and encouraging the child’s healthy growth and development environments and lifestyle. 

The basic function of child health services is periodic health checks. Their aim is to identify as early as possible the signs of problems in the child’s development, family and living environment, as well as to address issues that endanger health. 

The purpose of extensive health checks (when the child is between 3 and 4 months, 15 -18 months and 4 years) is to: 

  • identify in cooperation with the parents the needs and resources of family support 
  • allocate support to those who need it 
  • form an understanding about the general health and well-being of the family. 
  • Both parents are always welcome to the appointments. In particular, it is recommended that both parents / guardians would come to the extensive health checks. 

More information: Homepage – Neuvokasperhe

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health: Maternity and child health clinics   FinnishSwedish | English | Russian


The services of the health clinics also include adult counselling services meant for preventing illnesses and promoting the health and well-being of the adult population. Adult health services usually include the following: 

  • removal of stitches and hooks from a wound 
  • administration of a single injection of medicines or vaccination 
  • planning traveller vaccinations 
  • measuring blood pressure and blood sugar 
  • ear congestion and rinses 
  • hearing measurement 
  • certificates for working in the food industry 
  • care of a small wounds and replacement of the bandage 
  • health check for a person not covered by occupational health care or student health services (for example pensioners and unemployed) 
  • discussing any matters of concern with health 

Child protection

Every child has the right to a good and safe childhood. Child protection means that local social workers help children and families in problem situations. Efforts are made to address problems before they grow too big. 

Child protection is always the last point of contact. It means that before contacting child protection, a child and family will be supported, for example, at school or a health clinic. 

Liaison with child protection begins with a child protection notice. The family themselves can ask child protection authorities for help. A child protection notice can also be made by anyone who is concerned about the welfare of the family. For example, a child’s teacher may be in contact with child protection authorities. 

Sometimes parents are unable to take care of the well-being of the child. Then society must intervene in the family situation. In child protection, the most important thing is the interest of the child. 


You can ask for help from child protection yourself, for example, if parents are exhausted or there is a difficult life change in the family. Child protection also supports the family if a child or adolescent, for example, has excessive substance abuse or commits crimes. 

Child protection has a wide range of means to help the family. Above all, the aim is non-institutional care meaning that the child would keep living together with his family. For example, a social worker can arrange home help or a support person for a family. 

If there is violence or substance abuse in the family, the child protection social worker intervenes in the situation. If the child is not safe in his home or if the situation with the child is really difficult, a decision can be made on taking the child into substitute care or custody. However, the first option is always to try and help the child so that he could keep living in his own home. 


Child protection is based on the Child Protection Act and international treaties. The Child Protection Act applies to all children living in Finland. This does not depend on their nationality, religion or culture. 

More information about child protection in Finland can be found here.


Becoming a customer of child protection begins when the need for it is established. Our goal is to promote the positive development of the child and to support parenting. We work in cooperation with the child and family and the work is based on a client plan that has been done together with the family. 

Our most common form of support is family work. 

We can support the child and family financially and in other ways, for example, by supporting the child’s hobby. 

We support family holidaying and recreation. 

The whole family can participate in a family assessment or rehabilitation. 

The child can get a support person who will meet the child as planned. 

The child can get a support family, where he can spend most commonly one weekend a month. 


We can direct the child and family to other services. 

We can place a child in a family or institutional care as a support measure for open care if all parties agree to it. 

Custody is the last resort of child protection. The decision of taking custody is made by a leading social worker (if all parties agree to it) or the Administrative Court (involuntary) on application. 

Absence due to illness

If you study or work, you will not be able to be away without permission. If you get sick, you need to give an explanation. You can be absent only if you agree on it with a teacher or your employer. 

When you get sick, call the teacher or the workplace supervisor first thing in the morning. Tell them that you are sick and will stay at home. However, a teacher or a supervisor may require for you to submit a sick leave certificate. If you need a certificate, you can get it from a health nurse. 

If you need a certificate, you need to visit a health nurse. It is the best that you go to your health nurse first thing in the morning, contact your health clinic. 

The nurse usually writes a certificate for only a few days of absence, after that you need an appointment to the doctor. 

The certificate of absence is always asked on the day you need it. The certificate can’t be written afterwards. 

If you study, you will lose the 9 euro support allowance on days when you are absent. Money is meant for studying expenses. If you are absent and don’t give an explanation to a teacher, you could also lose some of your unemployment benefit. 

If your illness lasts more than three days, you can no longer just agree on the matter with a teacher or workplace supervisor yourself. You can only be absent if you get sick leave from a doctor. 

If you are ill for more than three days, contact your own health centre and ask for sick leave. You will receive a certificate of sick leave which you need to give to your teacher or supervisor. 

Sickness allowance – 

This is how to apply for the sickness allowance– 

Mental health

If life feels heavy or things are weighing on your mind, you can talk to a psychiatric nurse. 

At your own health centre, psychiatric nurses provide support and discussion assistance in a variety of difficult life situations and mental health problems. Based on your situation, your need for treatment will be assessed and the treatment will be planned and implemented according to you needs. 

On the website, you can find a lot of information about mental health issues. At you can find information on everyday well-being, difficult life situations, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. 


Nationwide Crisis Phone: 

Support and assistance | MIELI Finnish Mental Health Association: Discussion assistance on 09 2525 0113.

MIELI Finnish Mental Health Association: 

About mental health : Finnish | SwedishEnglish | Russian | Arabic | 

Social services

Social services for working-aged: you can get help and support in challenging life situations, for example when faced with unemployment, housing issues, financial matters and access to services. 

Services for children, families and young people (including social work for families with children): Your municipality of residence offers many services to help and support your family’s everyday life. 

Employment services provide you with personal customized service to support your employment. The goal of the service is to find a solution that supports you and your situation in the best way. 

Rehabilitative work activities: the aim of rehabilitative work activities is to strengthen your working life capacity, coping at work or studies and to create conditions for employment, training or participation in services that promote employment. 

Immigration services: The goal of immigration services is to support immigrant integration. 

Reception services for refugees are intended for residents of a municipality with refugee backgrounds who have less than 3 years from the first registration of a municipality of residence. Therefore, if you have received a residence permit through the asylum process or have come to Finland as a quota refugee and your first municipality of residence registration in Finland is in less than 3 years, you can apply for the Refugee Reception Services. 

Special services in substance abuse are intended for those experiencing that their own substance use or some other behavioural pattern is disruptive in everyday life, and their loved ones. The services are voluntary and confidential. 

Social Ombudsman services: a Social Ombudsman is an impartial person whose job is to advise social care clients and their relatives regarding the application of laws and the rights of customers. 

Disability services: Disability services include the assessment of the need for service and the benefits and services prescribed by the Disability Services Act and the Mental Disability Act. 


You can receive the Kela benefits when you live in Finland permanently. For example, you may have a job in Finland or you have moved to Finland for family reasons. 

If you are waiting for asylum or residence permit, you do not yet live in Finland permanently. So you do not get the Kela benefits. 

Use a form to apply for the Kela benefits. In different situations, a different form is filled out. You can find the Kela forms here.

You can also book an appointment at a Kela office or customer telephone support. In the office, they will clarify your situation and fill in forms. If necessary, ask for interpretation. You will find the Kela contacts at the bottom of the page. 

Booking a time in Kela 

Once you get online banking credentials, you can handle Kela’s affairs online. 

If you get a job, report it to Kela. You may no longer need the Kela benefits. 

More information about Finnish social security can be found here.


Kela can pay a housing allowance if you are on a low income. The housing allowance is intended for housing expenses. 

Kela grants a housing allowance to the household, that is, to people living in the same home. A household is therefore not necessarily the same thing as family. If your acquaintance moves into the same flat with you, he belongs to your household. That is when you get less housing allowance. 

Kela usually grants the housing allowance ahead one year. If your situation changes over the course of the year, please report it immediately to Kela. 

Kela can pay the housing allowance to your account or directly to your flat owner’s account. The owners of flats often prefer that the housing allowance will go into their account. That is when the money goes directly towards the rent payment. 

General Housing Allowance Brochure – simplified language


If you have young children, you can be eligible for family leave. So you get reimbursement from Kela when you care for your children at home. 

If you are expecting a baby in your family, contact Kela. You should find out before the birth of a child, what kind of benefits your family will receive from Kela. 

Support for families with children –brochure in simplified language 


Income support

Income aid is the last financial support covering basic life expenditures. The purpose of income support is to help over temporary difficulties, prevent the emergence of such and promote coping independently. 


You can apply for basic income support from Kela if all your income and assets at your disposal are insufficient for essential everyday expenditures such as housing, food, health care and clothing. Other social benefits are also counted as income. Always find out before applying for basic income support whether you are eligible for other type of income or benefits, for example an unemployment and a housing allowance. Apply for all other benefits you are eligible for first. 

From municipal social services, you can apply for supplementary or preventive income support for other unexpected or one-time acquisitions or expenditure if necessary. However, receiving supplementary living support first requires an opinion in favour of Kela’s basic income support. If necessary, ask for more information from the municipal social services. 


Apply for support at Kela’s online service: If online services feel difficult to use, you can get guidance at the Kela service desk. Support can also be applied for by using a paper form or by phone. Kela’s mailing address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA. 

Remember all the necessary attachments! 

Among the most common attachments are: 

bank statements 

electricity bill 

home insurance bill 

public health care bills 

For the first application, bank statements are required from 2 preceding months  


When you submit an application, Kela will make a decision within seven business days. If your application is urgent, you will receive a decision no later than the next business day. If your application is incomplete, Kela will send you a request for further clarification. This interrupts the processing time until you provide the required information. If you do not submit the required attachments by the deadline, Kela will process the application without attachments. 

You get a decision on basic income support in writing. 

If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can make an adjustment claim. The decision explains how you can make an adjustment claim. 

More information on income support: 

Income support – Kela’s brochure in brief (pdf) 

Income supportKela’s brochure in simplified language (pdf) 

Benefits for the unemployed

If you are left unemployed, register immediately with the TE Office as a jobseeker. Also, when your studies end and you don’t have a job, register with the TE Office as a job seeker. You can then apply for unemployment benefit, that is, financial aid to the unemployed. 

If you are a member of an unemployment fund, you can get a per diem allowance tied to your work income. 

If you are not a member of the unemployment fund, you can get unemployment benefit paid by Kela.  

You are only paid unemployment benefit if you are actively searching for a job. The purpose of the unemployment benefit is to make sure you manage for the time you are looking for a job. 


The TE Office wants to hear how you have been going in your job search. Therefore, you need to visit the TE Office or call it regularly. Agree on the matter with an employee of the TE Office. 

If you do not call or visit the TE Office when it is agreed, your active job search process expires. So you are not going to get the unemployment benefit any more. 


Finding a job isn’t always easy. For this reason the TE Office will make a plan with you that will help you find a job or get a place of study. 

Participate in the making of the plan at the TE Office. If you don’t arrive when a plan is being made, you are going to have a mandatory waiting period. During this period, you will not be paid a financial benefit for unemployed job seekers. 

If you can’t make it when a plan is drawn up, let the TE Office know. For example, if you get sick and let the TE Office know about it, you will not have to have a waiting period. 


Strictly follow the plan made in the TE Office. Otherwise, you won’t be paid the Kela benefits. 

For example, if the plan says that you are participating in integration training, you must not miss the training. For example, if you get sick during training and stay at home to rest, you need to let the teacher know. If you are absent and don’t let anyone know, you will be paid less unemployment cover. 


The TE Office can offer you a job. Also, an employer may ask you to work. Take on the job. 

If you refuse work, you will have a waiting period. You will find yourself in a waiting period too, if you act intentionally in such a way that your employer changes their mind, and doesn’t take you to work. During the waiting period, you will not be paid a financial benefit for unemployed job seekers. If you apply for income support, it can also be reduced for the duration of the waiting period. The waiting period lasts 60 days. 

If you resign from a job for no good reason, you are going to have a waiting period. You will also be subject to a waiting period if you intentionally do something so that your employer will fire you from work. In this case, the waiting period lasts 90 days.